Friday, May 08, 2009

The Pelican Bar and Wedding

OK, I'm just gonna have to give up on all the story time and just post some pics from the last couple days of our vacation. I've just got too much other stuff to catch up on to go into much more detail about Jamaica.... We rode a VIP bus to go on The Pelican bar tour.

This is our tour guide, Lee, getting on the bus.

Strip club!!!!!

This is the boat that took us to the Pelican Bar.

Me and my friend from New York, Suzie.


The Pelican Bar is an actual bar and restaurant that is made of driftwood. It sits about a mile offshore on the southern coast of Jamaica on a sand bar.

This is the Pelican Bar. You'll notice a small windmill on the top of the bar. This provides enough electricity to refridgerate drinks and food, cook, and play a radio.

Pretty crazy that there's an Obama sticker all the way out in the middle of the Carribean.
The stairs were not easy!!!

You could wade around and snorkel while your food was being prepared.

You can write or carve your name in the building if you want.

We left our mark!!!!

You didn't have to go in this way, but Ryan wanted to.......

Me and Suzie

Ryan, Suzie and Corinne

Going back to shore

Captain Dennis

The Pelican Bar gang

Pee stop

Chicken, our bus driver


Chicken's chicken

A nicer hospital

Jamaicans burn the sugar cane fields to carmelize the sugar cane for harvest. That is what the smoke is coming from.

We made it back literally minutes into Matt and TeShannah's wedding, but we didn't miss any of the important stuff.

Gettin' crafty with my Red Stripe

The beautiful couple

Ashley, Kelly Ann and me

Hangin' out in our wedding attire

Ryan bought Pina Coladas for all the girls!!!

Matt, Nick and Ryan


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