Today, December 8, 2005, marks the 25th anniversary of the death of a great man...Mr. John Lennon.
This world suffered a tremendous loss that day. Many of us have felt it very deeply since then.
Even at the tender age of only five, it had a huge impact on me. This was the first time I ever saw my Dad cry...something I will never forget.
After hearing the news, my dad came home and sat me down on the floor to tell me that he had been shot. Tough stuff for a kid to take in. I knew this man as the voice of one of my favorite songs at the time, which was Yellow Submarine. So, Dad and I sat there on the floor, and listened to Beatles albums crying together. It will be a sad day forever.
Ringo sang "Yellow Submarine"
oh Craig, now you've just made us all cry harder...THANKS! sniff-sniff
OK Craig....when I was five years old, I didn't care who sang it...The Beatles were one and the same in my little eyes!!!
Knowledge will set you free.
Another fact:
Albert Einstein never, I mean NEVER wore socks.
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