You know you're a true Hoosier when you blog about your first sweet corn of the year.......
Yes, Ryan and I dove into our first batch of fresh sweet corn last night...Oh my gosh, was it good!!!!!
You're hearing this from one of the few people not ashamed to admit her love for the Hoosier state....after all, I AM the one who drove her car off the side of the road a couple years ago while gawking at the corn. I was SOOO excited because it wasn't even close to the fourth of July yet, and the corn was a lot higher than "knee high." So, yes, I drove off the road just enough to hit the deepest dip of the railroad tracks I was crossing and busted out BOTH of my passenger side tires and rims....that turned out to be an expensive country drive.
Anyway, I love to drive around the country and look at nature around me. I love to see everything change with the seasons. That's one of the best things about Indiana....and the sunsets. Oh, the sunsets are beautiful. So, if you don't feel like braving the heat for a glimpse of the sunset, here you go. These pictures were taken last Saturday on 400 E. on the way to Ryan's parents' house. I was gawking at the corn AND the sunset...it doesn't get much better than that if you ask me.........