Not having cable has been good for reminiscing the last couple of months.... I know at least Andrea will appreciate this!!
I pulled out a bunch of old movies the other night and came across Coal Miner's Daughter. I think this was the first movie I ever learned to quote. I can thank Andrea for that!! :-)
I remember pulling the old hide-a-bed out of the couch at Aunt Sissy's house and watching this movie over and over again. Watching it the other night brought back a lot of good memories.
It was always good times at Sissy's...at least when Andrea wasn't throwing brushes at me, or hiding nail polish bottles under my pillow case to smash my head on at night. Brent, or "Bee", as I used to call him, was usually a little nicer...sorry Andrea :-) I guess it builds character though, right?
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that if they appreciate Loretta Lynn, Sissy Spacek, and/or Tommy Lee Jones, and they haven't seen this, or just haven't seen it in ahwile, you should take the time to find it somewhere. Sissy Spacek does such a great job, and you can't help but fall in love with this movie if you appreciate country music at all.
Brent and Andrea...this brought back a lot of warm fuzzy feelings for me. Thank you so much for giving me such great memories!!!!
I suppose you forgot about the bowling ball to the head? HAHAHAHA
All of those little things you mentioned were intended to give you strength and a good sense of humor. Since you have both of these things so deeply planted into your character, I now can see that I did my job very well.
You're right, the Coal Miner's Daugher and Six Weeks bring back some good ol memories. Do you remember the movie Six Weeks about the ballet dancer?
OK...Miss Allison, I'm going to set the record straight here. I was the nice one and Brent was the butt head. Let me illustrate this clearly:
I guess you don't remember me taking you to Schultz brothers and buying you little hooded sweatshirts that you looked so cute in or taking you on bike rides down King Street or blowing bubbles with you endlessly on the front porch or teaching you to "trust" your life jacket at the lake?
Hey, what about all those erasers from Hello Kitty?
How about me teaching you the lyrics to the Broadway Soundtrack of Annie?
And what about all those times we recorded you on the tape recorder singing cute songs?
The kicker here is the late nights. In the middle of the night when you were crying because your dry skin was "itchy" I would get my butt out of bed to put lotion on your back so you could sleep.
Where was BEE when all that was happening???? Hmmmmm?
I hope you realize I'm just jokin with ya!
Andrea makes a good case.
Maybe we need to hear from Bee. :)
Hey Allison, Mom reminded me of a funny story. When you stayed at our house and were little enough to fit in a baby bed, the baby bed was in my room. One night you were chattering and talking up a storm and I was trying to go to sleep for school. Finally I yelled for mom to come in and tell you to be quiet so I could sleep.
Mom came in and explained that I needed to sleep for school and that you needed to stop talking. Your response to that was...
"I can laugh."
So as long as you still got to make some kind of vocal noise you were happy. Too cute and too funny!
You Gave US GREAT memories 2.
I'm typing what he said that first one 2.
I was nicer 2 Allison. . .
I didn't know about itchy backs.
OK Andrea,
I knew you'd come up for air on this one....I KNOW you were both wonderful to me...and you're right...I think you did a pretty good job.
By the way, I just bought Annie on DVD, and made Ryan watch it with me. He thought I was crazy when I started quoting the movie in it's entirety.
I didn't forget about the bowling ball, but I thought that might make you sound REAL mean!!!
I love you guys!!!
I'm still addicted to getting my back scratched
I had forgotten about the movie Six Weeks...oh my gosh!!! I've got to get it!!
That was such a sad story...but I loved it!!!
There's a few other things as far as TV and movies go that remind me of being with you guys.
I always think of Uncle Dale when I see old reruns of MASH..in fact, my mom bought me a MASH t-shirt for Christmas this year...kinda ironic, huh?
Also, the old episodes of The Twilight Zone and The Honeymooners always make me think of being at your house too!!!
Ok, I'm sorry i keep adding comments...I just keep thinking of more and more
Anyway, Bee wasn't there for the Hello Kitty erasers, but I do remember him helping me on my bike on King street. Where would I have been without you guys!?!
Do you remember Bee spinning you around in the front yard by your arms (so your feet were flying off the ground) and when he would stop you'd say "Breaking Alson's back! Breaking Alson's Back!!"
One time Mom, me and you went to the mall and it was bitterly cold outside. Mom had you dressed overly warm with your hood pulled up tight around your face. We were racing to get in and you say..."it's chowy!" (meaning it's chilly) With all the stuff mom had on you I'm not sure how you felt the cold!
How about making magic doughballs at the lake for Uncle Dale to fish with off the boat house balcony? He always said he caught more fish with your doughballs than with the ones he made for himself.
Oh yes, I DO remember the "breaking alson's back thing" I still have back trouble you know!!
Sissy told Ryan about the "it's chowy" thing not too long ago, and he says that to me all the time now.
I can show anyone how to make some killer doughballs...just ask Uncle Dale!!!
There's so many good memories...the more I think about it, the more I remember....
Excellent, love it! »
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